Tag Archives: cal poly

What Makes Them Tick? (Video)

Part of college is finding what it is that  “makes you tick.”

The video below is an insight of what makes four first-generation students tick. They’re in college not only to pursue a higher education that their parents couldn’t but also to find a career that they will enjoy. I asked each of them what it is that makes them tick about their career path relating to their major. Each described what it is that makes them “tick.”

Video Preview: What makes them tick?

From left to right: Michelle Lam, Nick Tuong, Yajaira Perdomo and Alejandra Rosa. Photos by Melissa Nunez.
From left to right: Michelle Lam, Nick Tuong, Yajaira Perdomo and Alejandra Rosa. Photos by Melissa Nunez.

First-generation college students are aspiring for a better future by pursuing a higher education. They are in search for a career that they enjoy and makes them tick.

This has led me to work on a project that I will be busy with this week. I will be posting a video next Thursday that will showcase interviews with four first-generation students who have found a major that suits not only their abilities but also their likes. Each describes what it is about their major that makes them tick.

  • Michelle Lam is a first-year computer science major from Sacramento, Ca. She is fascinated by Computer Science because part of it is like math which she is good at. She enjoys translating for a computer.
  • Nick Tuong is a first-year mechanical engineering major from Los Angeles, Ca. He loves that his major requires him to do “everything.”
  • Alejandra Rosa is a first-year political science major from Firebaugh, Ca. She has her eye on running for a specific political position. Being exposed to agriculture her whole life has led her to gain knowledge that she plans on using in her career.
  • Yajaira Perdomo is a first year mechanical engineering major from Los Angeles, Ca. She likes the drafting part of engineering because it lets her create. She wishes to one day make a change.

Aside from the interviews, the video will also showcase the students in action doing what they like to do! Stay tuned!

Second Home on Campus

In college, it is nice to find your niche.

First-Generation students who attended Summer Institute were introduced to the Cross Cultural Center’s MultiCultural Center during a tour of Cal Poly’s University Union and since the first week of fall quarter it has been the go-to place. It is their niche. The MCC is a very convenient place to study, socialize, sleep, eat, have meetings and has access to computers and free printing.

Why would anyone want to leave?

Anyone is welcomed! It’s open to all students. It is a comfortable place to meet people and take a break from the hectic college life.

Did I mention there’s a TV?

Check it out.

7 Reasons First-Gen and Low-Income College Students Should Use Alltuition

Applying to a college is one thing and applying for financial aid is another. It is very important for first-generation students and other low-income students to apply for financial aid because it could be the only source of funding they have to pay for college. Just like the college application the Free Application for Student Aid is tedious. Which is why Alltuition is very helpful and can come in handy to go through that application process. Here are 7 reasons why:

Continue reading 7 Reasons First-Gen and Low-Income College Students Should Use Alltuition

First-Generation College Students Support Group

Support Group rules. Photo by Melissa Nunez.
Support Group rules. Photo by Melissa Nunez.

Merriam Webster defines a support group as, “a group of people who have similar experiences and concerns and who meet in order to provide emotional help, advice, and encouragement for one another.” Cal Poly’s Counseling Services offers support groups for students with different types of concerns. A support group that is offered to students is the “First-Generation College Students Support Group.”

Continue reading First-Generation College Students Support Group

From My Point of View

Visiting Cal Poly SLO. Photo by Virginia Nunez.
Visiting Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Photo by Virginia Nunez.

If you’ve read the “About” section on this blog you know that I myself am a first-generation and low-income college student.

A goal of mine for this blog is to focus on the experiences of other students on each post but this post will be an exception because as a change I will be talking about my experience. I will touch on several past posts and add how I personally relate to the topic.

Continue reading From My Point of View

Miles Away from Home (Interactive Map)

CA-101 Freeway. Photo by Melissa Nunez.
CA-101 Freeway. Photo by Melissa Nunez.

Going away from home for the first time is a big step in life. It takes a good reason to do it. For first-generation students and many other college students that reason is college. Some students choose to stay close and go to college near their home or commute. But others have to travel miles to a new city with new people, places and surroundings. It is saying goodbye to everything they have ever known. But it’s worth it because they are going away to pursue and education.

Continue reading Miles Away from Home (Interactive Map)

Cal Poly Summer Institute

At Avila Beach. Photo by Melissa Nunez.

Going away to college is a big step for anyone. It means shedding out of your comfort zone and being exposed to new surroundings. It hits harder being a first-generation student because our parents are not able to guide us through the process.

First-generation students in the Educational Opportunity Program at Cal Poly are given the opportunity to attend a program called Summer Institute. It usually runs through the end of July to the middle of August. They stay in on-campus apartments, take a General Education course and attend supplemental workshops. The program also includes activities that helps them get familiar with San Luis Obispo. The program is held every summer. This last summer, 89 incoming EOP freshmen got to attend. The 2013 program ran from July 27 – August 20th. This year’s theme was DC superheroes with the motto being “Made of Steel.” The Summer Institute Program Coordinator and Program Assistants are in charge of the program.

“The purpose of Summer Institute is to help out students transition to college,” Jon Diaz, Summer Institute Program Assistant said.

Continue reading Cal Poly Summer Institute

EOP at Cal Poly SLO (Slideshow)

College can be a scary and confusing place. Having a support system on campus is important. At Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and at every other California State University there is the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). EOP is under Cal Poly’s Student Academic Services which provides educational resources to students that can help them succeed.Students can apply for EOP after they finish applying to the CSU(s) (including Cal Poly SLO) of their choice . Part of the criteria to be eligible for EOP is to be an “educational disadvantaged student” or first-generation student and be low-income.

Once a student is accepted into the EOP program then they become connected with their EOP advisor. It helps them transition from high school to college and gives them support throughout their college years. There are six advisors, one for each college at Cal Poly.  The slideshow below gives an insight look at a day in Cal Poly’s EOP offices.

Click on the first picture to start the slideshow.

“We want to ensure that the student does not just get admitted but are successful so they are able to obtain their degree. As advisors we really care about our students we want to ensure that they are utilizing us not just for academic advising but sometimes if there’s personal issues it’s always good for them to know that there will always be someone that will be able to listen to you” – Jose Millan, EOP Academic Advisor for the College of Engineering.

“As a first-generation student it is even harder because you don’t know what to expect so having someone you can come to with any question is the best part of EOP.” – Katie Ellis, EOP Academic Advisor for the College of Liberal Arts said.

In the Twittersphere


Hello readers!

One thing about me that you do not know is that I am a social media junkie. Twitter is one of the social media sites that I use very often. In the past, my tweets have been random ramblings but now that I am in college my tweets are mainly about my college experience! It’s also somewhere you can get to know me more.

I also post a link to my posts every time I post a new one. You can also see my tweets on the widget on the bottom of the main page of this blog.

Click below to follow me!
